All About Elderberry (Print)
All About Elderberry (Print)
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Elderberry. Richly hued. Immune enhancer. Deep antioxidants. The People's Medicine Chest.
Take a peek at the All About Elderberry Booklet's contents!
* Elderberry Plant Profile
* Folklore + Fables of Elder
* The Celestial Side of Elderberry
* Harvest Elderberry
* Elderberry Fire Cider
* Immune Boosting Tincture
* Elderberry Zoom Syrup
* Elderberry Lip Balm
* Antioxidant Face Mask
* Black Walnut Honey Cookies with Chocolate + Elderberry Glaze
* Elderberry Lollipops
* Immuni-Tea Popsicles
* Elderberry Gummies that Actually Taste Good
* Spiced Elderberry Cacao
* Elderberry Mead
* Elderberry Wild Soda
* Block Printing Elder: an Ancient Craft for the Modern World
All About Elderberry Booklet is the plant focused bonus that originally accompanied the launch of the Botanical Anthology: Autumn Vol 3 | Issue 10 | 2024.
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*Not intended for medical advice. Always consult your physician.*
Sourcing herbs:
-Search for a local natural foods store or food coop as they are likely to have a bulk section where you can choose the size to purchase.
-Mountain Rose Herbs, Oregon Wild Harvest & Starwest Botanicals sells herbs in 4oz and 1lb bags. Frontier Coop sells 1lb bags.
-Check out this website to find an herb farm near you.
Magazine cover and thumbnail images by Serena Hartwell @serenahartwell